Statistics About Mobilabonnement, or Mobile Phones

Mobile Phones

Almost everyone has a cell phone these days, but not everyone has the statistics about them. Statistics are fun to look at, especially when it comes to our favorite devices. This article will share some of the more interesting statistics. There are many things that are very interesting about mobile phones.

If you are one of the few that still doesn’t have a smartphone, you might want to get one. You can get one with mobilabonnement med betalingsanmerkning, or mobile subscription with a payment plan. This might help you to get into the groove of using a smartphone, especially if you haven’t used one in a while, or used one at all.

This article will give you some of the fun statistics that are about smartphones. You might learn something new, or you might have extra information that isn’t listed. If you like this information, you can do more research on your own. There is always more information that you could find.

See also:

Smartphone Statistics

  1. People Using Smartphones – People all over the world use smartphones and other devices. As of 2022, there are 6.8 billion people using them. The population of the world is about 8 billion, so that means about 80% have a smartphone. That is 8 out of every 10 people that have a smartphone.

This means that just about every adult has one, and many children have them, as well. If you look in your neighborhood, you could probably see this for yourself. People now have cell phones instead of landlines because they are more convenient. There are only a few people that still have landlines.

  1. Time Spent – Most adults spend just about three hours a day on their phones today. This is close to the amount of time that they spend watching television. These statistics were from 2019 and are the first time in history that the time for both activities are that close. They still watch television more, but only a fraction of a percent more.

Children spend much more time on their phones, with teens spending about seven and a half hours each day: Tweens spend about five hours a day on the phone. This has increased over previous years by about an hour for teens and half an hour for tweens. These numbers will probably only continue to grow.

  1. People Who Use it for Research – Nearly 70% of internet users will use their cell phones to research items that they are looking to purchase. These users would rather use their phones to research reviews instead of approaching an employee in the store. They will also look at specifications for products that they want to purchase. It is easier for some people to use their phones than it is to talk to an associate.

Nearly 60% of users are looking for other products similar to ones that they might purchase. Many companies know that consumers are doing this and have altered their advertising campaigns to reflect this. Companies are learning that their customers would rather use their technology to purchase items. This can be in the way of more online options or opening more online stores.

  1. Mobile Shopping – Which brings us to our next statistic – shopping. A little over 50% of consumers will use their devices to shop each week. Most people who shopped ended up buying products online. This means that about half of the people in the world are buying from online shops.

Women between 35 and 44 shop the most online, doing about 60% of the shopping at least once a week. Men in that age range shop online about 50% at least once a week. Teens and young adults do so about 40% of the time. The statistics for teens and young adults don’t break into males and females.

  1. Option of Mobile Shopping – About 60% of shoppers will look at an option for online purchase from companies. They say that this is an important aspect in selecting a brand. This is important knowledge for brands as they create an online presence. They should know that the number of people who are buying online will only increase in the coming years.

Companies need to work on their online presence to include call-to-action buttons, images, and layouts. They need to make sure that their online store is geared to those who use cells can easily find what they are looking for. They need to make sure that their online presence needs to be engaging to all people. This will result in more purchases for the company.

  1. Mobile Traffic – Mobile devices account for nearly 55% of all web traffic. This is an increase from about 33% in 2015. Since 2019, mobile traffic has been more than half of all traffic. The largest amount of web traffic used to come from desktop computers.

This shows how popular these smartphones are and how much their popularity has increased since 2015. You can see some of the statistics here. This is expected to only get better as 5G capable phones increase in usage. Users have about 10GB of usage now, and that is supposed to increase to about 35GB by 2026.

  1. Mobile Time Spent on Digital Media – 70% of all time spent on mobile devices is spent on digital media. This time is spent on mobile games and searching the web for research and other purposes. This is an increase from 57% in 2017, a great increase of about 20%. This just shows that there will continue to be an increase over the years.

These statistics show that smartphones are the most popular of all mobile devices including tablets. Digital media is used about 23% on desktops, and only 7% for tablets. Statistics for laptops were not readily available.

  1. Money Spent on Mobile Ads – More than two-thirds of all money spent on digital ads is spent on mobile ads. Advertisers have seen the increase of smartphone usage and have decided that this is where their money does the most good. This amounts to about $30 million dollars for the year 2021.

The industries that have the biggest money spent on digital ads are consumer packaged goods and retail. CPGs had expenditures of nearly $22 billion, while retail has spent nearly $31 billion for mobile ads. This is a huge increase from 2021 and is expected to grow even more in the coming years.

  1. Mobile Retail Conversion Rate – The mobile retail conversation rate – which is the percentage of users with a smartphone that complete an action on your mobile app or website that is defined as valuable to your business – is nearly 2% which is still lower than desktop use and a little higher than tablet use. This means that more people will use their desktops to complete actions than people who are using their smartphones. This is important for retailers to know when they are advertising.
  2. Voice Search on Mobile – Nearly 60% of smartphone users have tried voice search on their mobile devices. This is an important statistic for people in ecommerce who could add a voice search to their online stores. This usage is on the rise and is expected to be more than 80% in the near future.

The younger crowd seem to use this feature more than the older crowd, over half of teenagers use it. Only nine percent of users that are ages 55 to 64 use this feature. It seems that this would be a great addition for online stores as teenagers become an age where they will be buying more.


Statistics are always fun to look at, especially when it comes to the usage of mobile devices and smartphones. Retailers can learn a lot about how to improve their sales through these statistics. Consumers can benefit when retailers use these statistics to make things easier for the consumers. Everyone benefits by having more knowledge about cell phones.

As a retailer, these statistics show you how people are using their phones and other mobile devices. This knowledge can help them to improve their online presence by implementing things learned from statistics. This means that they can implement things like voice search to help the consumers.

This is also interesting information for everyone that can help them to see where the future of smartphones and other mobile devices is going. This can help consumers to ask retailers to improve their online stores. Everyone wins when the statistics are implemented for improvements to the industry

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