Telegram announced in January 2021 that it has 500 million monthly active users (MAUs). With more than 500 million downloads in the Google Play Store alone in 2020, Telegram is quickly catching up to its competitors, WhatsApp (5 billion) and Facebook (2 billion).
With the company’s rapid growth, Telegram has become an important platform for businesses to focus on, especially when it comes to customer support services. With an increased user base, Telegram has become an important platform to focus on in order to reach more potential customers.
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What is a Telegram profile?
Telegram is a chat messenger app that is similar to WhatsApp. However, טלגראס הזמנה offers the added advantage of data encryption, security, and privacy. If a new contact subscribes to a business channel on Telegram, the company will not access any of users’ contact or personal details.
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Telegram users can search for companies and subscribe to them in the discover area. This allows customers to reach out to companies if they want to, but companies can’t reach customers without their permission.
To understand the business use cases of Telegram, we need to get familiar with the “Peer Types” of Telegram. “Peers” are the “entities” that users can interact with on Telegram. In the latest version of Telegram, there are four peer types:
User Profile
A user profile is a personal account that is registered with the user’s phone number. This type of account is used for personal messaging but can also act as an admin in channels or groups.
Telegram Group
A Telegram group is a chat group of users and bots. Its members can post messages in the group, and the admin has special privileges to assign ownership and allow posts related to videos and images.
Telegram Channel
Telegram channels are a special type of Telegram group that can have an unlimited number of subscribers. Only admins and bots have the right to post messages in a channel, and all other users of the channel cannot post.
Telegram Bot
Telegram bots are a special type of user that is not human, but rather a computer program, that can offer companies or brands an array of features, such as sending out information, reminders, playing tunes, ordering merchandise, and more. A bot can post a message in a group or channel that normal users can follow if they would like to be kept informed. Out of all the four peer types, the Telegram bot comes with the most features that are really useful for businesses. Telegram provides an API to create bots for social interactions, productivity, gaming, and e-commerce services offered on the platform – making it easier for customers to engage with your business without needing a human interaction.
Telegram bots can provide customer support or collect leads by connecting them to a CRM, ticketing system, or a messaging platform. Here are some of the reasons why Telegram bots can be extremely useful for businesses:
Telegram bots can provide customer support or collect leads by connecting them to a CRM, ticketing system, or a messaging platform. Here are some of the reasons why Telegram bots can be extremely useful for businesses: