The future of Recruitment Agencies. Our sector has been one of the most impacted by new trends and, just as the sales and marketing areas have passed, it is undergoing a major transformation in terms of roles within companies. A new HR asks for passage and, thinking about it, we list below some of the trends that involve the area so that you can plan and even exercise and anticipate them within your company. The transition from operational to strategic, which has been much talked about over the course of this year, will be even more evident as time goes on. The flow of information increases every day, and knowing how to manage and use them for decision making will be fundamental to the success of the Human Resources area. We list below the main executive search firms that will impact the sector in the coming year:
Table of Contents
Artificial Intelligence in Recruitment agencies
If you are already a reader of the blog, it is not the first time that you see this concept here, but because it is a technology in development, AI always generates innovations, especially in R&S. Initially, working with the analysis of candidates, this concept gains more and more space in the most strategic HR environments and promises, more and more, to facilitate the professional life of both us professionals in the area, as well as our candidates.
Online screening tests
The candidate screening stage is one that requires the most time and effort from the recruiter. Investing in an effective testing platform is a great solution to save time spent on analysis.
See also:
Video responses in online tests.
When asking the candidate to answer a technical question by video, for example, it is possible to perceive several factors, such as posture, communication, thought structure, and, of course, the technical part in answering the question asked.
Job description in video format
The attraction of candidates has been an increasing challenge for companies. And Job description is fundamental in this process. Studies show that the job description, as we know it, will no longer exist. Technical issues will no longer be the focus, as the candidate will be much more interested in the environment he will encounter. Try to focus more on that for the next vacancies!
Automation of R&S processes
The most valuable resource that a professional can offer is your time. Optimizing this resource and investing it in the right activities that add more value to the company is a difficult task, especially in a bureaucratic environment, as is the case with most large companies.
A great solution to save time in operational activities is the automation of processes through Recruitment Software.
How to recruit better?
Recruiting better means: hiring the best candidate for your vacancy. That is: with the most appropriate profile for that function or with a greater probability of performing in the company. And this has nothing to do with filling vacancies as quickly as possible, but, as we will see later, there are ways to streamline the recruitment process intelligently.
Consequences of better recruiting
Recruitment is the gateway for people in companies, and having this process well developed is directly linked to the success of the organization. Having the right people in the right places is an asset for any company that seeks a winning and making culture.
Who are the Recruitment agency professionals?
Working in the Recruitment agency area, we have some employee profiles that assume different roles, they are: recruiter, business partner and headhunter.
Who is the Recruiter
The recruiter is the Human Resources professional who is responsible for recruiting professionals to work in your company. Because he knows the company’s culture well, he knows how to determine the ideal professional profile for each department. The recruiter works in partnership with the applicant for the vacancy, that is, the area manager. It is important that this work is carried out together, since it is the area manager who will determine the technical requirements sought.