There are many different video games, both PC and console, yet only a small number of them actually develop into eSports. The games that contribute to it frequently have characteristics in common that Riot Games’ play-by-play announcer Daniel Drakos described for SportsPro well. He emphasized a steep learning curve so that you could understand what it takes to be a high performer. And something that is dynamic and always changing such that it changes as you view it.
Other characteristics, such as a strong player base, distinct competitive features, fairness, and finance, are also necessary for games to succeed as eSports.
Obvious Competing Factors
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Numerous video games have sizable player bases, however, only a select handful develop into professional competitions. Their lack of competitiveness is the fundamental cause of this. One of the most frequently downloaded games worldwide, as reported by Search Logistics, Minecraft, currently boasts 140 million active monthly users. Despite its popularity, it is not fiercely competitive enough to join the eSports community. The game must have a definite winner and loser.
This is only one of several factors explaining why fewer women participate in eSports. Games with a higher proportion of female players, such as Minecraft where women constitute as many as 62% of the user base, have a tendency to be less competitive than those that are currently in the eSports mainstream.
A Sizable and Robust Player Base
The player base of the video game itself frequently becomes the eSports scene’s first adopter.
There must be enough active players who have an interest in watching the competitive games for a video game to grow into a successful eSport. A player pool that is sufficient for athletes to become established who can meaningfully compete against one another in competitive play is also necessary.
Adaptable and Dynamic
The game must have a sense of newness. Something that changes from one month to another or depending on the season is required. Otherwise, the game could become monotonous and lose its eSports momentum. For instance, Overwatch League and Overwatch 1 enjoyed significant success in the early years but are currently experiencing a steady fall in both viewership and player base. The lack of fresh features added to the game by Blizzard Entertainment has bored the user base in large part.
On the other hand, Dota 2 constantly makes modifications to the playing field. The meta is additionally changeable in that Valve frequently updates the game’s map and adds new characters, items, and changes. As new hero selections and tactics develop, the players’ necessity to become accustomed to the new alterations renders the gameplay more captivating to watch. Such adjustments are made in Overwatch, but they happen gradually. Many fans of Overwatch may still recall the protracted GOATS-frenzy. The game has not really changed recently, despite the fact that it once had more viable compositions and strategies.
A Leaning Curve Going High
When it comes to games becoming eSports, the proverb “easy to learn, hard to master” holds accurate. A good example of this is CS: GO. About maps, goals, and weapons, the game is simple to learn. However, it takes a tremendous amount of time and work to truly perfect it.
For instance, among the most talented and mechanically gifted CS: GO competitors in the world is Oleksandr “s1mple” Kostyljev, NAVI’s prodigy. He has played the game for more than 16,000 hours. This provides a sense of the high level of expertise at the highest point of the career ladder. Since a novice just cannot regularly win solely on chance or pure luck, it also rewards the seasoned athletes who devote the time and effort.
It Ought to Seem Fair
The goal of eSports is to enable organizations to demonstrate their in-depth understanding of the game and everything it entails. Whether it is the map, the tools, the precision, the tactics, or the counterplay. However, some games, particularly those in the Battle Royale genre (such as Fortnite and PUBG, whose mobile version, PUBG Mobile, has become the hottest title worldwide for playing and betting on mobile devices the purpose for which put aside the best operators), have had trouble with this. The fact that players spawn in various places over a vast map is one of the core concepts behind Battle Royale games.
Being the final team standing after eliminating the other teams by using better weaponry they have discovered on the map is the objective. Additionally, a circle that is closing in reduces the playing space. A player will suffer damage and eventually perish if they remain outside of it. The circle, spawn points, and weapon placement are largely random. This feature may add to the game’s enjoyment and is responsible for many tactical adjustments and plays. However, it also increases the game’s reliance on luck.
An eSports team can be eliminated quickly based entirely on the chance if they are able to get handguns at their starting location but not snipers for the other team. Due to the fact that certain games can be won solely through luck rather than ability, this element may make particular games less suited to eSports. However, Battle Royale video games have been successful in the eSports community and continue to have a sizable following.
There Must Be Sufficient Funding
The amount of financing available is the final, and possibly most crucial, factor towards games becoming eSports. Professional players can use and display their in-depth understanding of the game through eSports. Due to the audience and publicity, it is also a fantastic marketing tool for the game itself.
However, this cannot happen without money. A tournament-style event needs deep funds to be successful because it requires money to hire broadcasters, sign teams, transport equipment to sites, and advertising. Even though their games have all of the aforementioned traits, smaller game creators sometimes struggle to find a place for their titles in the eSports industry.
Esports is a constantly changing industry with a vibrant and expanding audience. While other games frequently change positions at the top of the viewing ladders, some games that succeeded in making it into eSports remain there year after year. The future will reveal which new games succeed as eSports and which ones eventually die out and evolve into another Quake, a trailblazer title in eSports that created a strong competitive scene and organized big tournaments back in the 1990s.