4 Recent Major Neuroscience Breakthroughs

Neuroscience Breakthroughs

We live in a truly interesting age. Our technology has come so far from where we were even ten years ago. It’s outstanding to think how much smartphones have evolved ever since the days of the Samsung Omnia i900 or the first iPhone. Neuroscience Breakthroughs-

However, we’re not here to talk about smartphones, are we? Still, the analogy is great because it ties into how much the field of neuroscience has evolved throughout a mere decade. For this reason, we will be looking today at some of the most impressive Neuroscience Breakthroughs in this domain.

Scientists learned how to reprogram stem cells into specific neurons in 2018, and then in 2020, they broke the code even further. Four universities from the US worked together to prolong our lives by identifying genes networks that regulate cellular regeneration.

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With this breakthrough, they were finally able to turn regular cells into progenitor ones. Progenitor cells are the ones that can morph into any cell type to replace the dying cells – including neurons. If you have lost or know someone who has lost a dear one to Alzheimer’s, then this news should make you happy.

  • We’ve Found Out That There Are Actually Two Variants of Parkinson’s Disease

Thanks to advancements in PET and MRI technologies, we have finally been able to identify two completely different strands of the world-renowned Parkinson’s Disease. This is huge! With this research, scientists will be able to identify early signs of this ailment and put some preventative measures in place.

Still, this won’t be enough to find a cure for Parkinson’s Disease. We’re still a long way from there even with this breakthrough. However, once more researchers and doctors get on board with this type of stuff, we might just be able to get there sooner rather than later. With that being said, could you share this listing of neurology jobs in New York?

  • Scientists Have Developed an Implant to Help Paralyzed People Control a Computer

This small brain device is outstanding! You can probably imagine how hard life must be if you’re paralyzed. Having to rely on someone for even the most menial of tasks is discouraging, to say the least. However, with this small implant, paralyzed people will finally be able to at least control their computers without having to rely on someone else or on those quirky mouth controllers.

The implant uses wireless technology to relay specific neuronal activity into a computer, where it is converted into actions based on the intentions of the patients. Even more amazing, the implant lets people do things like zoom, click, and even write with over 90% accuracy. That’s mind-blowing!

  • We Can See Decisions Made In the Brain In Real-Time

With a technique called COSMOS from the branch of bifocal microscopy, scientists at Stanford University have managed to capture movies of neural activity across the whole of the cerebral cortex of a mouse brain.

They essentially filmed the brain of the mouse from three different angles over a prolonged period of time to see what activity the brain gives off. As the cortex handles complex higher-level cognitive functions, more mysterious behaviors like decision-making processes can now start to be unraveled in a global way. 

We can’t wait to see this type of stuff finally being put to good use for research on humans. Who knows what mental ailments we could cure with this in the future?

Break Through the Bottom Line

There you have it! These four breakthroughs are true enhancements over how we will be living our lives in the near future. 

From giving more insight regarding famous neurological disorders to simply improving how much we understand the human brain, we can’t wait for even more developments on these discoveries so we can further enhance our way of living, thinking, and our overall approach to neuroscience and neurology.

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