It is no secret that success during the exam depends not only on the knowledge of the student but also on the good attitude of the teacher. The human factor cannot be taken out of the brackets of the educational process, so try not to make an enemy in the person of a respected professor.
Teachers are very different. How to find an approach to everyone, who depends on the desired “A”? To do this, remember a few important rules:
- the teacher should know you, so do not miss too many lectures, and be sure to attend seminars.
- speak up in the practical classes. the more active you are, the more likely you are to get a credit or even an “automatic” exam.
- submit your work on time. teachers do not like slacking students. If you do not have time to complete the task it is better to apply to in order not to lose academic performance.
- do not sit in the back rows of large classrooms. there is a long-standing opinion: if a student sits in the back rows, he is not ready or not particularly motivated.
In the event of a conflict
See also:
Let’s be honest: No teacher is going to pick on a student over nothing. Every teacher is interested in the high results of students. No one wants to check unnecessary essays and accept retakes in their free time. If you see a biased attitude, look for the reason not only in the “evil teacher”, but also in themselves.
What can you do?
Go up to the teacher and honestly ask him what displeases him. Be polite and calm. Even if you don’t get a direct answer to the question, the teacher will realize that he is overdoing it.
If you understand where and what you were wrong, apologize.
Do not insult the teacher, do not interrupt, do not break discipline, do not be late for class, do not talk, and do not snore during lectures.
Techniques to help on the exam
- Engage your sense of humor. To lighten the atmosphere, smile and, if appropriate, make jokes. Tell a funny story that happened to you while you were preparing for the exam. You can reincarnate as a stand-up comedian and sketch some jokes in advance, which will allow you to fill pauses or relieve tension.
If this is not your role, that’s okay. Honestly tell the teacher how much you’re worried, and he or she will have to entertain you with funny stories.
- Demonstrate an outlook. It happens that some important facts just slip your mind. You remember the general points but cannot reproduce the details. In this case, you can honestly say, “Unfortunately, I forgot the exact wording, but in the biographical novel X similar phenomenon is described as…”.If you demonstrate that you read additional literature, can make cause-and-effect connections, and are deeply interested in certain topics, you will be forgiven for terminological and other inaccuracies. So read more!
- Let the teacher answer the question himself. If you realize that you get lost in the answer, you can always “get” the missing information from the teacher. Try to start a dialogue. Ask to recall the exact wording or admit that you do not remember verbatim, but, as told at the last lecture … As a rule, in such cases, the teacher begins to help.
- Go the opposite way. Try an argument. This is quite a risky method that will only work if you are very good at the material. You can express doubts about some theoretical provisions and give a counterargument. It is appropriate to express an opinion when it is supported by scientific statements.
- The phrases “I would allow myself to disagree with the author” or “I am closer to the opposite point of view, because…” demonstrate a high level of critical thinking. But, again, this won’t work if this is the first time you’ve read about the subject of the conversation on Wikipedia this morning.