3 Excuses That Prevent Us From Starting Business Today

Starting Business Today

Everyone has an excuse for themselves. But in the case of starting your own business – thoughts and phrases that justify the absence of such a beginning are very rarely fair. Usually, self-justification is simply ignorance of some things that can be easily learned. For example, it is really easy to find a salesforce alternative if you want to with RevenueGrid. So, every issue can be resolved if only you aspire to it. Jeff Hayden, executive secretary of Inc.com magazine, offers his version of exposing popular excuses against starting his own business.

Self-justification 1. “I have no money to start”

As David Lavinsky says: “Entrepreneurial start is the science and art of how to do without money, without staff, and without personal time.”

It is not necessary to begin the “feast of life” with the money of “great drunkenness”, from this you can “fall under the table”. The banquet should start with a cash apéritif, i.e. the minimum amount that is easy to obtain. And to eat and treat others at this feast, you should mostly eat nutritious food – your ideas and activities that improve the lives of others.

See also:

So first think of simple business ideas – without thinking about money. Then infect others with your faith in favor of these ideas. Then you will receive the initial investment.

Self-justification 2. “I don’t have time; I’m drowning in the flow of a long-established life “

Everyone has extra time. The question is whether you need to give up extra time. If you were covered with earth in a tent, and you had oxygen left for 24 hours, you would not make jokes on Twitter, would not watch movies, news, and football on TV. You would be digging yourself out of the trap all the time.

Apply the same level of urgency. Give up what you think is a vacation, but what they are not – and your schedule will instantly get empty hours every day. It remains from the bottom of my heart to want to fill these hours with the start of your own business.

Self-justification 3. “Your business is difficult and scary”

Every entrepreneur is afraid to do business. And you as a child were afraid to go to school, ride a bike, swim in a pond, fly a plane, try out for the first time a complex attraction, take the first steps with a computer and a new gadget, visit high in the mountains, pay attention to a loved one, answer as a sign of attention of a loving person.

And you did it all. Overcome fear. And if they did not overcome – would be left without a school, computers, flights, recreation, and loved ones.

Make your fears fuel to boost your willpower. Remember that the scarier you are, the more fun you will have when you defeat him. And the pleasure of your victory is an important engine of life (but here remember that complacency is the enemy of development)

Self-justification without number. The main question: “Why run your business?”

The main answer: you need your business to become a person who lives his life on his own terms and at the same time to be the one who gives with the help of implemented business ideas to people and the world what makes life better.

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